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Thursday, August 13, 2009

To Different Between Winner and Loser

Brothers, this paper is probably the most important of all the words that I have made. I want to convey a single idea that is determine whether you will be successful as a winner, or does not remain frozen where as (sorry) loser. I want a little story ... Some time ago I got an email from one of the older member. The contents, he conveyed a sense of gratitude for the blessings in the transcendental science FormulaBisnis (SMUO), he can have a successful business with a remarkable turnover hundreds of million rupiah per month. He has several employees and to develop the online business sector more broadly. He became the free man now, with passive income that flows smoothly to the Bag.
My question to him, if there are 'strategies miraculous' that he do, outside of the taught SMUO? He answered, no. He only did what instruction in SMUO and consistent run.
I am proud of the results. Chest feels like explode, are happy because the one my colleague successfully apply knowledge SMUO well. From what he described, I know how business with him exactly that during the time I do. Exactly.

But I have not finished with all the feeling that, an email from another member caught my eye. The contents, he complained, defame, and I take the fraudster. He says, after buying SMUO why he does not have any change on the fate?
I get back to him, what he has done so successfully? That surprising, he says so:
"I do not really do anything. Because according to my knowledge you already stale. I already know all the material that you teach. There is no new thing. So, I think, SMUO you do not have to use! So I return the money! "
I think, a born loser in the face of this earth.
Brothers, after reading the short stories before, you know why someone can be successful and why others do not? Why someone can be a winner, while only a loser? In fact, knowledge that they have the same facilities that they get together, their capital is not much different. Basically they start really start from the same position.
The answer is only one word ... ACTION!
That is the only pembeda, between winner and loser.
You can not be successful only with the reading.
You can not be successful only with the study.
You can not be successful only with prayer.
Not with talk, not with the request.
You can only be successful if you want to act. Perform the action, any small initially, it is important that you do so consistently. You do not have other options.
You do not need to search for the perfect method, sophisticated or complex. Simply run a simple way, and continue to repeat until you reap success. There are so many success stories that you run a business with a very simple concept. In the world online and offline.
Any knowledge that you buy, how expensive, how good ... he is only waste if you do not do something for it. That is why lately many of his group of loser SMUO ebook is garbage. They are 100% correct! SMUO become seonggok waste because they did not want to take advantage of knowledge.

Not only that, they tend to want to throw other people. Rather do something productive and useful for business, they would do anything to lay a friend (a fellow loser) and throw 'opponent'. Sad, because so many has been a productive time they dispose of useless.
Dreams without action are just dreams! Only action that will make all your dreams, seliar anything, become a reality. Nothing is too turgid, nothing too grandiose. Whatever your home can be believed. That is why the word ACTION become the main theme JokoSusilo.com blog.
Action that you do now will determine a success or failure in your future. Absolute, the law of nature is like that. You do not have other options.
Then, how the spirit of action in ourselves?
Relatives fellow combatants business, I often think how what can I do, which can be the motivation for someone to ACTION for their success. With the knowledge that I have, with all the colleagues that I loved, I think is very-very hard on a solution.
And finally I found the answer. I designed a simple program that will remind us of the importance of action in the life of our business. Therefore, today I launch a successful campaign:

Mr. ACTION Campaign: Acting for Success!
A simple campaign that you can follow to help you stay motivated during a spirited fight and achieve success in business on the internet. Not only that, you can also transmit the spirit of every person to visit your blog.
You need to do simple. Simply attach the banner Mr Action in blog / your website. Well, when you install the banner, and speak in your hearts:
"By installing this banner, I became self to declaration Mr. Action! I will always act to success! "
During the banner is installed in your blog, then you have a responsibility to act in practice. Even more than that, be productive and consistent. Do this for 30 days until you fall into ACTION! Then it's up to you.
How, are
you ready? Please join now.

Taken from http://www.jokosusilo.com


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The Need to Make a Commitment Blogging blog Be Consistent

Post this complete content of the post in Mas Agus Siswoyo, "Asyiknya Ngeblog Setulus Hati".
Mas Agus concerned with new blogger blog that might leave the new contemporary maize. New blog dormant because rarely managed. Mas Agus suspect it may be because the main goal since the beginning of the search for money blogging. So that the goal was not realized quickly, and the frustrated quickly. Finally, the white flag was a sign to stop blogging flotter.
Hopefully this does not happen to you.
This is where the importance of a commitment to continue to keep blogging and blog treat to be able to continue to grow and develop into a successful blog spectacular.
Includes a commitment to remain consistently add new content, add links, and improve the quality of the blog in any aspect.
The first way to do it and the main purpose of blogging is to make clear. Included in the direction of clarity and blog niche blog. "Why should people come to my blog?" More or less the key question.
During the early blogging, I criticize a lot of how to successfully doing business online, what is affiliate programs, how to think the Internet business, and such related basic start internet business.
And the longer I'm also posting another post-related categories that have been prepared before the course is related to the business and internet marketing.
Blogging is a commitment you decide to make a blog so consistently. Consistency is very important because blogging from there you start to build relationships with your blog readers who will then spread your credibility.
Commit to start blogging consistently, and ACTION your commitment.


Taken from http://www.jokosusilo.com


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